Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Apocalypse Forestalled. Drat!

In an article titled "Ah Spring! Baseball, Colliding Protons" Dennis Overbye has a sad tale to tell. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), due to the recent liquid helium leak, will not be firing up again until April 2009.

...and I felt a great disturbance under the earth, as though hundreds of researchers had suddenly cried out in terror and run past their grant deadlines.

Until the LHC comes back online, refresh your memory of the LHC's methods and goals here, double check whether the LHC has released earth-devouring stranglets yet here, and hope that the LHC doesn't get pushed back past December 21, 2012, since the only thing worse than dying in the apocalypse knowing that you could have died in the cool, did-we-push-past-the-limits-of-what-Man-was-meant-to-know? apocalypse and got stuck in the lame, it-took-the-Mayan-gods-about-one-thousand-years-to-notice-we-stopped-worshipping-and-then-got-pissed apocalypse.

All I know is, people only write operas about the first kind.

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