Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ratios without Rationalizations

1 : 100 :: Israelis killed : Palestinians killed

2 : 5 :: Palestinian civilians killed : Palestinian militants killed

1 : 5 :: Palestinian children (under the age of 16) killed : Palestinian militants killed

If Israel is determined to ignore or rationalize the above, perhaps it will be chastened by the below:

1 : 1 :: Population of the Palestinian Territories in 2040 : Population of Israel in 2040

(first set of data from the AP's reports of UN estimates, second from the Washington Times


Adam Solomon said...

I'm puzzled by the overemphasis on numbers. If you kill x civilians of mine, am I allowed to kill x (+ dx) civilians of yours but then call it a day?

Al Mustashriqa said...

The emphasis on numbers indicates where there is a disproportionate response... which is a war crime.

(There are better, more interesting reasons why bombing Gaza is not saving any Israeli lives, and I'm sure you've stumbled across them).

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