Thursday, July 31, 2008

"Don't you have any declaratives hiding in that beard, anywhere?"

The corrupt hiring practices at the DoJ are already so ludicrous that they leave little for Stewart and Colbert to mock. However, last night Stewart was absolutely right when he attacked Wolf Blitzer's coverage of the issue (starting at about 4:05 in the video below).

The idea that reporting unflattering facts represents bias is insane. I've heard some pro-McCain-ers arguing that, even if you don't support McCain's policies, you should support divided government, since it forces each side to defend their policies and not overreach their mandate.

If you really want limited, defensive government, you'll get a lot more mileage out of agressive journalism than divided government (the 60 vote cloture rule in the Senate and Coburn's holds make division and compromise a foregone conclusion anyway). This kind of wimpy reporting makes it impossible for all but the most wonky to get energized about government misdeeds and to be motivated to push for change. Once again, Comedy Central is out reporting the MSM. Shame on you, Blitzer.

(If the embedded video doesn't work, the clip can be found here or by searching for "Illegaly Blonde" on the Daily Show website.)

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