Sunday, November 9, 2008

After the honeymoon, the crazy in-laws

Following closely on the heels of yesterday's post on encouraging headlines in the wake of Obama's election comes, unsurprisingly, a jubilant message from Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, leader of the Islamic State of Iraq, an organization which claims links to Al Qaeda. The message included the expected, gleeful pronouncements of Al Qaeda's power and condemnation of Bush's foreign policy decisions, but one part of the message was a little unexpected.
“On behalf of my brothers in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and Chechnya, I offer you what is better for you and us: you return to your previous era of neutrality, you withdraw your forces, and you return to your homes,” Mr. Baghdadi said. “You do not interfere in the affairs of our countries, directly or indirectly. We in turn will not prevent commerce with you, whether it is in oil or otherwise, but with fairness, not at a loss.”

Faris bin Hizam, an expert on Al Qaeda, said the offer of a trade relationship had struck a new note. “How can he call for establishing a relationship with the United States if it withdraws?” Mr. Bin Hizam said. “The main principle of Al Qaeda prohibits any relation with infidels.”
I'm sure Mr. Baghdadi will be in trouble when his apparent love of the infidel gets reported back to his superiors, but maybe they'll be merciful. It's obvious Obama Fever is more infectious and more powerful than anyone suspected.

(link from the NYT)

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