Saturday, November 29, 2008

All Politics is Tragedy, but some of it's staged

Ever since the election, a lot of people have framed the McCain campaign as a classical tragedy. To achieve what he thought was his greatest desire, he gave up his soul and was left with nothing.

Playwright Wendy Weiner has decided to chronicle the struggles of a different plaything of the gods in her new play Hillary: A Modern Greek Tragedy With a (Somewhat) Happy Ending.

The concept, according the the NYT review is:
Hillary (Mia Barron), when she is still a girl dreaming of an adulthood in which a woman might pursue the presidency, pledges her devotion to Athena. Aphrodite, jealous, makes it her business to thwart Hillary, her principal weapon being the slick, charming Bill Clinton (Darren Pettie).
It's as good an explanation for the Clintons' marriage as any I've heard.

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