Monday, August 25, 2008

Joe Biden is really growing on me

He's just been very personally endearing this week. First, there was this article in the New York Times:
After Senator Barack Obama tapped him on Saturday to be his vice-presidential running mate, Mr. Biden introduced Jill Biden to the world this way:
“My wife, Jill, who you’ll meet soon, who’s drop-dead gorgeous..."
That was classic Biden. He’s still said to be head-over-heels in love with her after more than 30 years of marriage, and proud, if slightly intimidated, by her multiple degrees... After [Jill] defended her thesis, she arrived home to find signs in the driveway. One said: “Congratulations Dr. Jacobs-Biden.” The other: “Dr. and Senator Biden live here.”

Then, tonight at the convention, during Teddy Kennedy's speech, they kept cutting to Biden, whose eyes were welling up with tears in perfect sync with my mother's.

And now look at me, I'm all verklempt.

1 comment:

Chris Pagliarella said...

Joe Biden is a bit of a rarity-- a "regular guy" politician who actually might kind of be a regular guy. Weird.

Seriously though, I really like what I see of him.

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