Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Why Hillary's speech doesn't matter as much as you think

I know those PUMA people are raising a stink and vowing to vote for McCain, and McCain's new ad "Passed Over" certainly implies that he's courting them. It's possible that some of those voters will stay home, but it is inconceivable that they will defect to McCain.

Obviously, it makes no sense to switch sides if you believe in Hillary's positions, since Obama's are virtually identical, but some die-hards are claiming that they (and womankind) have been disrespected by Obama and the DNC and at least McCain is behaving better than that.

The video below (a mock-up I whipped together in ten minutes, so please don't complain to me about artistry), would disabuse them of that notion pretty darn quick if it were remade with actual production values by a group not directly orgainized by Obama.

So, although I'm hoping Hillary sells it tonight, I'm not too fussed.

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