Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Liveblogging: Clinton/Biden

9:07 - coming in late from dinner, but luckily Bill's applause went way over

9:10 - "My 8 years in office convinced me Barack Obama is the man for this job." Apparently, those 8 years took about 8 months to kick in.

9:13 - "Barack Obama is ready to lead... is ready to be POTUS" Check. Bill's in the clear.

9:15 - You have to feel a little bad for Hil, as she watches hubby praise BO and his "excellent VP pick"

9:16 - "People across the world have always been more impressed by the power of our example than the example of our power" Fabulous line

9:20 - Nicola, Bill always hits his stride when he gets to talk about people. He's not putting that on, he really does get that energized by empathy

9:22 - "Third time is not the charm" got a smile from Michelle. No word on whether she was thinking of the Bush dynasty or the Clintons

9:23 - Comparing Obama's youth to his own is a smart (and gracious) move for Clinton

9:25 - Bill nailed it. And he's still a rock star

9:29 - From MSNBC: "Elvis was back in the hall tonight"

9:31 - I'd blog about the coverage during the gap, but I have to return this copy of Watchmen tomorrow, so I need to finish it tonight.

9:34 - It's a tough gig, speaking right after Bill Clinton, so it must have been hard to decide whether to give the slot to Mark Warner or John Kerry. Can't make them duller on delivery.

9:44 - Kerry's actually gotten off some good lines. I was a little harsh before.

9:46 - I actually feel a little bad for Kerry, too. It's not as tough for him as for Hil, but he must be a little jealous that everyone loves his talking points... as long as they come out of Obama's mouth

9:47 - Can retired servicemen and women still wear their uniforms? It seems like if the general the Dems just brought out were a man, she'd have suited up

9:50 - Looked it up, she is eligible to wear her uniform

9:55 - Biden won't be on for half an hour. I'm taking a break

10:21 - The shakycam effect on the Biden montage is strange

10:25 - Overall, the quality of the Biden vid is way below Hil's

10:26 - Michelle is crying as Beau Biden speaks

10:27 - I like Biden, but not part of Washington is ridiculous. It's not a bad thing to have an experienced veep to help push through your agenda

10:29 - News Flash: Obama is no longer the most popular person on facebook. Michael Phelps out touched him.

10:30 - Biden looks delighted. Finally a Dem without reason to be bitter

10:31 - Biden is choking himself up. Still manages to quip about his wife being the only one who can leave him speechless. Quoth my mother, "He's going to be a pip."

10:33 - Leave off, Will. That moment about his son was very real and sweet. I'm sure Biden's big mouth will give them other options

10:35 - Biden's mom is also in tears. It's a three-hankerchief speech

10:36 - "[My mom] told me to go out and bloody their noses" Cut to his adorable mother mouthing "It's true"

10:37 - I'll admit, "everyone is your equal" is a pretty creepy philosophy

10:39 - Second John/George "freudian slip" of the night. It wasn't funny enough to do twice

10:41 - "Work is more than a paycheck, it's respect" Dead on.

10:44 - John McCain was his friend, even though that was fairly restrained (for Biden)

10:45 - The Dems need to sync up on what data their drawing their percentage of time McCain voted with Bush. Biden just said 95%, but Kerry said 90% earlier.

10:46 - Would it kill Biden to say 'more of the same' in rhythm so he can stay in sync with the floor-chanters?

10:47 - "Any country that out teaches us today will out compete us tomorrow" Another good line

10:48 - It's not looking too good in Pakistan, "the central front of the war on terror." The coalition government is fragmenting, and the likely prez has a history of mental illness

10:51 - Way, way too hawkish on Georgia. I don't know what the Dems are thinking

10:53 - Biden's done, but Obama's on the way

10:55 - Obama's on stage, and the hall is going wild. Anyone got a stopwatch to contrast with Clinton?

10:57 - Hillary gives a very ironic looking "Thank you" to Obama's comment that she "rocked the house." Surprisingly, hothead Bill pulls off a better reaction shot for his compliment

10:58 - That didn't really merit trotting him out. Ah well, at least I get to listen to the Boss singing "The Rising"

10:59 - "The Rising" sure beats Hillary getting played out to "Love Train" earlier today

11:00 - MSNBC apologizes to me for spoiling Obama's 'surprise' appearance.

11:01 - Looks like all is over. Time to sign off and check out that episode of Project Runway I just taped

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